Daily Reading:
Monday, November 26—Sing God's Praises (Psalm 66:1-4)
Tuesday, November 27—Righteousness Before God (Luke 1: 5-7)
Wednesday, November 28—Incense Offering (Luke 1:8-13)
Thursday, November 29—A Ministry Foretold (Luke 1: 14-17)
Friday, November 30— Zechariah Sees a Vison (Luke 1: 18 - 23)
Saturday, December 1— Elizabeth Conceives (Luke 1: 24 - 25)
Sunday, December 2— God Listened to my Prayer (Psalm 66:16-20)
Monday, November 26—Sing God's Praises (Psalm 66:1-4)
Tuesday, November 27—Righteousness Before God (Luke 1: 5-7)
Wednesday, November 28—Incense Offering (Luke 1:8-13)
Thursday, November 29—A Ministry Foretold (Luke 1: 14-17)
Friday, November 30— Zechariah Sees a Vison (Luke 1: 18 - 23)
Saturday, December 1— Elizabeth Conceives (Luke 1: 24 - 25)
Sunday, December 2— God Listened to my Prayer (Psalm 66:16-20)
Devotional Reading: Psalm 66:1-4, 16-20
Background Scripture: Luke 1: 5-25
Lesson Text: Luke 1: 5-23
Background Scripture: Luke 1: 5-25
Lesson Text: Luke 1: 5-23
Have you ever had your veracity questioned? You tell someone that you are going to do something and your word is doubted—especially after you have proven your ability and faithfulness in the past. You became angry—didn’t you? God is so much more worthy of our trust—not just because He is God (which is reason enough)—but because He is faithful. God has proven Himself—over and over.
Zechariah was a priest. He studied the Word. He had read of how God had blessed other barren couples. Why would he (of all people) doubt? Yet, he did. But, look at God’s mercy. Even though Zechariah’s doubt brought on the disciplinary action and the identifying sign of temporary silence, Zechariah and wife Elizabeth still received the blessing—the birth of a son—as foretold.
Zechariah was a priest. He studied the Word. He had read of how God had blessed other barren couples. Why would he (of all people) doubt? Yet, he did. But, look at God’s mercy. Even though Zechariah’s doubt brought on the disciplinary action and the identifying sign of temporary silence, Zechariah and wife Elizabeth still received the blessing—the birth of a son—as foretold.
Life Application Discussion Question
Think about what God has brought you through. Some of you have been delivered from substance abuse. Some of you have experienced a reconstruction of a shatter relationship. Somebody’s finances have been restored. Someone’s testimony is of deliverance from an oppressive and destructive environment. Then why do you still doubt God’s ability? Is it in our nature? The songwriter wrote, “Oh, what needless pain we bare; all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
Without faith it is impossible to please God. You MUST believe in God’s Word.